Barbezieux St-Hilaire

Barbezieux Saint-Hilaire and the surrounding area 

According to historians, the name Barbezieux comes from Barbecilium, Latin for sheepfold. The ‘castrum’ built around year 1000 where the castle now stands, was in fact built in an area where sheep farming flourished. 

Nowadays, you won’t find a single sheep while you’re out and about, but rather Barbezieux chickens! 

This local breed is the biggest of French breeds and is considered to be one of the best tasting chickens. It has an entirely black plumage and white earlobes. 

When visiting Barbezieux, you can explore the town’s rich architectural heritage, including beautiful 18th and 19th century townhouses, as well as suburban villas and castels. 

The town has been awarded the Village Étape label, which means that it has all the services you need for a comfortable stopover. 

Barbezieux St-Hilaire


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